One 63-year-old woman with dark spots shares her story of how a humiliating moment with her grandson caused her to discover a surprising English “poison ivy” answer to fading her dark spots after years of searching.

Mary Lee Saturday November 6, 2021

Imagine your 6-year-old grandson harmlessly asking you this question in front of a large group of friends and family.
It was by far, one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.
The dark spots on my skin had become so noticeable that even my grandson was wondering why my face looked so “dirty”.
I felt like I was on display in a museum. My skin, a show for everyone to watch.

I couldn’t stand how invisible I started to feel as I got older, but now I would have given anything to disappear from their stares.
What’s worse is I could remember seeing dark spots on my grandmother as a kid.
Heck, I probably thought the same thing as my grandson… "her skin looks so dirty."

But now as I examined every spot & blemish in the mirror, I looked like a spinning image of her.
That night I couldn’t hold back the tears.
I was ashamed not only of my skin, but the fact that I let such a silly little thing take complete control of my life.
But what made it so much worse was how “trapped” I felt in my skin.
Because I had tried EVERYTHING topically to try and fade them away.
But nothing worked, and I was becoming more depressed with every failed attempt.
Maybe you can relate to how hard it is as we get older?
Then of course, it all came crashing down when my grandson asked me that question.
Everyone looked on in horror, pitying me as if I were dying of some horrible disease.
But don’t worry, I’m not here just to whine about my past.

Because believe it or not, it was this moment that ultimately changed everything for me and looking back… I’m so grateful it happened.
Thanks to my grandson’s innocent curiosity, a fire was sparked inside me…
And I was determined to find a way to fade my dark spots, no matter what it took.
So that’s when I started doing my research. And I did A LOT of it.
Visiting skincare forums, reading reviews of different products, trying to find the answer to my troubles once and for all.
It HAD to be out there somewhere (or at least I hoped).
Of course, more disappointment followed. More money spent on products that promised me the world but offered almost nothing in return.
I couldn’t believe how much crap there was out there. How so many products were really nothing more than glorified moisturizers.
I was so close to just giving up and coughing up a chunk of money to get a real procedure done.
But it was around that time when I came across something while scrolling my Facebook feed.

It was a certain plant-based serum from a company called
“Ivy Leaf Skincare”
I know, I know, another serum.
At first glance, like every other serum I had seen (and tried), it was easy to be overly skeptical.
Sure, the reviews were great on this product, especially among women in my age group who had dark spots, but in the past that hadn’t meant much for me.
I guess my skin was just WAY more stubborn than others. It always felt like my genetics were holding me back.
But the ingredients seemed impressive, and I knew I had never tried them before.
Which is saying A LOT because at this point, I considered myself a skincare expert when it came to ingredients, having tried so many.
There were three ingredients in particular that really caught my attention.

Their main ingredient,
ivy Leaf Extract

a reddish-brown seaweed extract called
Chondrus Crispus

unique apple extract called
Pyrus Malus
So what made them so interesting? Well for starters, they were all-natural and plant-based.
And even though the main ingredient ivy leaf is in the same family as poison ivy, this extracted version was NOT harmful for skin in any way.
Which is especially important to me having sensitive skin.
But what truly made them interesting was the sheer amount of antioxidant activity, AHAs and quercetin...
ALL of which are known to be amazing for improving dark spots, blotchiness and providing a brightening effect.
But I had never seen them all together in such large quantities.
Though at the time, I still didn’t really believe it would work for MY stubborn skin. Maybe someone else’s, definitely not mine.
But I didn’t really have anything to lose at this point and if by some miracle it did end up working, I was all for it.
So like many other products in the past, I decided to try it.
I took their six-bottle option, which may sound like a lot, but the amount of money you saved buying in bulk was ridiculous.
And if by some small miracle it did end up working, I really did not want to have to order and reorder over and over for way more money.

Plus, they offered an X-day money back guarantee with ZERO annoying hoops to jump through, meaning that if I tried it and it didn’t work for me, I could get all my money back.
So really, what did I have to lose?
It took a few days to arrive, but when it did, I must admit I totally forgot I ordered it.
I guess I had gotten so used to ordering skincare that the excitement was gone, knowing how many times I had been disappointed.

I applied it to my skin that same afternoon. Luckily, it was an easy application and wasn’t too oily.
It absorbed right into my skin and had a pleasant aroma.
The next day, as expected… there really wasn’t anything to write home about.
Perhaps my skin texture felt a bit softer. Not that it should work that quickly anyways.
I applied it again that day in the morning and before bed and when I woke up the next morning, still nothing.
Shocker, I know. After day three I was starting to lose hope.
Of course, that still wasn’t much time to expect results, but I really was losing faith in the beauty industry as a whole.
Was a procedure my only hope? Or was even that too little for my stubborn genetics?
But then the fourth day came… and my heart dropped as I looked in the mirror. I had to do a double take.
I thought maybe I had left makeup on overnight… but quickly realized that was not possible because I didn’t wear makeup the day before (I had not left the house).
All my dark spots were noticeably fading and my skin was radiating as if an angel came down and blessed my skin.
That’s not to say the spots were gone completely, but they were MUCH less noticeable.
I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t smiled like that in years and I felt a surge of confidence rush over me.
I not only looked younger, but I FELT younger too. It was the best feeling in the world, and I couldn’t have been more grateful in that moment.

But that’s not even the best part. Because the more I used it, the better my skin became.
Thank GOD I decided to take the six-bottle option because it would have been my WORST nightmare to run out at this point.
Fast forward to as I’m writing this… and I still put this serum on religiously and my skin looks better now than it did in my 40s. It’s truly a miracle.
Not only has it faded my dark spots and made my skin glow, but my dark under-eye circles have gone…
My Skin Looks Firmer And Tighter...
I’ve seen a HUGE reduction in my wrinkles and fine lines…

And I’ve never felt better about myself.
My friends and family are constantly asking what the heck happened and when I tell them it was thanks to this serum, they never believe me.
They’re convinced that I had a procedure done. Which is fine by me! Just goes to show how good my skin looks.
Now here’s my plea to you...
If you’re in a similar position I was in, with dark spots covering your dull and dry skin…
With low self-esteem and FED UP with failed products that never work…
I could TOTALLY understand how hard it may be to believe that this serum is truly the “holy grail”.
I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I look in the mirror.

But this truly is the real deal.
And if you were ever going to take a chance on another product, this would be the time to do so.
Do I know it’s definitely going to work for you? Absolutely not. We all have different skin that’s unique to us.
But like I said, they offer a completely risk-free money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and obviously a LOT to potentially gain.
So do yourself a favor and ignore your skepticism.
Try this serum for yourself because you deserve it more than you know, even if the odds are stacked against you.

Pyrus Malus Extract
Contains a powerful AHA (malic acid) that significantly improves dark spots & blotchiness, provides a brightening effect and removes the outer layers of dead skin cells, to reveal fresh and new skin underneath.
Ivy Leaf Extract
Used for centuries to treat and heal wounds, no one knew just how powerful this ingredient was for skincare, until now. It contains properties strong enough to tighten and strengthen blood vessels, resulting in purified reduction of wrinkles, lines, facial tension and MUCH more. It can also thoroughly hydrate the skin AND contains powerful antioxidant properties for glowing skin.
Lens Esculenta (Lentil) Fruit Extract
Used since ancient times in a variety of capacities, the extract from lentils has been found to increase moisture in the skin while diminishing lines & wrinkles. It’s rich in loads of minerals, including vitamin B5 which functions as a skin protectant, conditioning agent, and antioxidant.
If you’re struggling with sun-damaged skin and things like dark spots, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, dark under-eye bags and much more--
AND if you’re looking to finally see real results that last, giving you a smoother, brighter and more even skin tone, FREE from dark spots and withOUT having to spend thousands on some ridiculous procedure-- then I have some really exciting news for you...
Because any woman who comes from this page and clicks the button below can get X% off their first order of Ivy Leaf Skincare Serum Completely Risk-Free!