Now that you know about our moisturizer that we offer, how do you use it or when do you use it? Through this blog we are going to provide you with tips and tricks as to how best utilize the moisturizer you have and use on a daily basis. Why pay for something when you aren’t using it correctly or using it to its full potential?
Here’s what we think are beneficial tips for healthier and smoother skin:
- Pick a moisturizer with skin repairing ingredients:
- Make sure you know your skin type before even thinking about buying a new moisturizer. The wrong moisturizer can cause dryness and tearing of the skin which can become increasingly uncomfortable and unpleasant.
- Know when to apply your moisturizer:
- Whether you are taking a shower or just washing your face at the start and end of the day, you want to make sure to actually use cold water because warm/steamy water will strip your skin of its natural moisture. This would then be the time to apply your own moisturizer, once you have cleansed your face. Usually within three minutes after you shower or wash your face is when you want to moisturize.
- Don’t buy the first expensive moisturizer you see, it’s not always better:
- There have been multiple testings on moisturizers that have proven that an expensive moisturizer will work the same as a cheaper moisturizer. The takeaway is, don’t be the one who makes the mistake of overbuying.
- Adjust your moisturizer for the season:
- This may seem like a funny concept, but there is such a thing as switching from one moisturizer to another depending on the season. Most likely, during the winter is when your skin will need more moisture compared to that in the summer. Heavier moisturizer would be for cooler weather and a lighter moisturizer would be for warmer weather.
- Moisturize before bed.
- Applying moisturizer before bed will be a major factor in keeping your skin healthy and fresh for longer. You won’t be touching your face anyway, so why not let it sink in overnight and waking up looking like an angel?
- Do not glob on moisturizer for the heck of it:
- Let’s get this straight, right off the bat. Applying excess moisturizer on your face will not magically make it clear up right away. In fact, it will actually clog your pores, thus not allowing your face to breath.
- Make sure your hands are clean before applying:
- Why make your situation harder by applying your moisturizer with dirty hands? Please, please clean/wash off your hands before applying anything to your face. Dirt will only clog your pores and add extra bacteria back onto your face. Trust us, this is for your only good.